英文名Phytic acid 级别For Signal Pathway Regulation相关类别代谢 储存冷冻(-20℃)EINECS编号201-506-6 分子量660.04靶点Endogenous Metabolite|Xanthine Oxidase 编 号包装库存目录价(¥)您的价格(¥)数量 A422935-00055 MG咨询279279 A422935-001010 MG咨询393393 ...
Genes involved in phytic acid pathway and transport have been described in different species, including common bean. Recently, new genomic resources have become available for the common bean research community, thanks to the release of two whole genome sequences: the Andean G19833 and the ...
All the alternative strategies render the importance of identifying the genes to be targeted for producing low phytic acid lines. Evidence suggest that disturbances in the initial myo-inositol biosynthesis pathway deteriorate the overall growth and development. Therefore, possible approaches with ...
Magnesium oxychloride cement has good mechanical properties, but poor water resistance. Phytic acid, which can form chelate with Mg2+, was used to modify magnesium oxychloride cement, and the effects of phytic acid on the strength, in vitro degradation a
focusing on the phytic acid's metabolism in maize is benefit to the bio-fortification and the health of the environment.Here,we describe the functions of phytic acid and the progress concerning its metabolism research;describe and analyze its pathway in plant;and review the previous research ...
Silencing of OsITP5/6K-1 altered the transcript levels of essential phytic acid pathway genes, without significantly affecting the transcript levels of other OsITPK homologs. Furthermore, the mapping of elements through X-ray microfluorescence analysis revealed significant changes in the spatial ...
(pH 7.4). After post-fixation, samples were treated in 1% tannic acid dissolved in 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) for 15 min at room temperature, and then fixed for 2 h at 4 °C in 1% OsO4dissolved in 0.05 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). The samples were dehydrated ...
The low phytic acid soybean exhibits reduced seed emergence, however, the molecular basis of this relation- ship is still unknown. Plant growth, and sampling For each of the two experimental lines, 48 plants were grown in 12 pots (four plants per pot) containing Metro- Mix® 360 (Sun ...
(Fig.S3). The flow cytometry results showed consistent nucleic acid ploidy (diploidy) of the progeny ofZbAGL11-OE andZbAGL11-OE with that of Col-0. The results showed that after blocking of sexual reproduction (detasseling), the embryos produced byZbAGL11-OE developed from somatic cells (...
(OsITP5/6K-1)resulted in 46.2%decrease in phytic acid content of T2 transgenic seeds with a subsequent 3-fold enhancement in the inorganic phosphorus content.Silencing of OsITP5/6K-1 altered the transcript levels of essential phytic acid pathway genes,without significantly affecting the transcript...