Supports NVIDIA PhysX acceleration on GeForce for SDK versions 2.7.1, 2.7.3, 2.7.4, 2.7.5, 2.7.6, 2.8.0, 2.8.1, 2.8.3, 2.8.4, and above. Supports control of your GPU PhysX configuration from the NVIDIA display driver control panel. ...
NVIDIA PhysX and APEX technologies are designed to run on a variety of CPU architectures, and can be accelerated by any CUDA® architecture-enabled NVIDIA GPU, GeForce 8-series
Of course we also offer all of the classical gameplay physics as well, such as your stacks of crates, ragdolls and vehicles. All of this stuff is mostly designed to be gameplay affecting and is often not particularly computationally intensive, and is therefore generally executed on the CPU. We...
While some PhysX technologies only lean on your PC’s CPU, the new tech—dubbed PhysX-GRB—taps both CPU and GPU to offer up to 6x more performance under moderate to heavy load, Nvidia says. (The improvement is presumably greater on GeForce graphics cards than Radeon graphics...
FATAL ERROR - EXITING" At first I was a little confused on this as I have both an AMD CPU and GPU (Phenom II x4 910 and HD6870) and shouldn't even have PhysX installed but doing a little research into the issue, it seems that, because ME3 is an unreal engine game and the...
There's a catch, though. NVIDIA is only freeing CPU-based implementation of PhysX, and not its GPU-accelerated one, which leverages NVIDIA's proprietary CUDA GPU compute technology. There should still be plenty for game devs and students in the field, to chew on. In another interesting ...