The mature breast is located within the anterior thoracic wall, lying atop the pectoralis major muscle. Pubertal changes lead to incomplete development of the breast, a process which is only completed during pregnancy. The incomplete breast consists mostly of adipose tissue but also lactiferous ...
This chapter is a review of the development, structure and function of the normal human breast. It is meant to serve as a backdrop and reference for the chapters that follow on pathologies and treatment. It presents an overview of normal gross anatomy, histology, and hormonal regulation of th...
Endocrine physiology of the breast is discussed in regard to both the development and functional aspects. The interaction of hormones at the mammary gland level is presented from the fetal stage through the reproductive era. The mechanisms of galactopoiesis and lactation are discussed. Finally, physio...
Two populations are known to have a high incidence of excessive/impacted cerumen: individuals with mental retardation and the elderly. Anthropologists have used cerumen type to tract human migratory patterns and epidemiologists have related cerumen type to breast cancer. 展开 ...
Breast anatomy and physiology. In: Hughes LE, Mansel RE, Webster, DJT editors. Benign disorders and diseases of the breast: Concepts and Clinical Management. London: Bailliere Tindall; 1989. p.5-14.Hughes LE, Mansel RE. Breast anatomy and physiology. Webster DJT. Disorders of the nipple...
"Five breast lymph flow". The outer part enters the breast muscle, and enters the sharp lock, all two belong to the armpit. The medial sternal side was anastomotic to the contralateral side. The upper and lower branches of the diaphragm are connected with ...
Each breast is located on the anterior surface of the chest, on the pectoral fascia and pectoralis major muscle between the parasternal and anterior axillary lines, with the nipple on the midclavicular line (Fig. 2.1). The breast level typically corresponds to the second through sixth ribs....
When hormones are given for clear indications in as safe a method as possible and with adequate monitoring, the woman will have her symptoms relieved and will be grateful for her sense of well-being and ability to enjoy life. 展开 关键词:...
Research is needed to explore the physiological mechanisms of hot flashes to develop better therapeutic treatment options to ameliorate side effects of hormonal treatment. Studies are needed to investigate all aspects of hot flashes in populations other than those with breast cancer, such as men with...
One possibility that has not received any attention is the physiology of fluid secretion in the breast. The ductal systems have secretions which can be accessed either through nipple aspiration or ductal lavage. It is not clear whether the mechanisms identified for absorption, secretion, concentration...