Raphe nuclei (Median RF) In the midline of the reticular formation Contain serotonergic projections to the brain and spinal cord. Functions of reticular formation: 1. Somatic motor control (Reticulospinal tracts) 2. Cardiovascular control Through cardiac and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata ...
Central v. Peripheral Divisions Central (CNS) Form: Brain, Spinal Cord, Optic Nerve Form: Protected by bone and/or blood-brain barrier Function: Integrates messages received from extremities, sensory organs and internal organs Peripheral (PNS): Form: Nerves and Ganglia outside of CNS. Includes 1...
IntroductoryIdeas Sensationoftheaffectedlevelofunpleasantness Perceptionofactualorthreateneddamage Perceptionbasedonexpectations,pastexperience,anxiety,suggestions,cognitivefactors Acute Chronic PainisSubjective SimpleSpinalReflexArc FirstOrderNeurons Stimulatedbysensoryreceptors Endinthedorsalhornofthespinalcord Types A-al...
2.脊髓Spinalcord 31节(颈8、胸12、腰5、骶5、尾1)周围神经系统脑神经(12对):与脑相连脊神经(31对):与脊髓相连自主神经系:分布内脏、心血管等 NervousSystem Centralnervoussystem(CNS)brainandspinalcolumnPeripheralnervoussystem(PNS)nervesoutsideoftheCNS 神经系统的组成Nervoussystem,NS 按分布范围和...
反射Reflex Kneejerkreflex ReflexArc •Receptor•Afferent(sensory)nerve•Reflexcenter(brainorspinalcord)•Efferent(motor)nerve•Effector 体液调节Humoralregulation 是指体内某些特殊的化学物质通过体液途径而影响生理功能的一种调节方式 Receptor v外激素Pheromone 自身调节Autoregulation ...
(brainorspinalcord) •Efferent(motor)nerve •Effector ReflexArc 体液调节Humoralregulation •是指体内某些特殊的化学物质通过体液途径而影响生理功能的一种调节方式 Receptor •外激素Pheromone 自身调节Autoregulation •是指组织细胞不依赖于神经或体液因素,自身对环境刺激发生的一种适应性反应 生物电 ...
Anatomyisthestudyofthestructureofbodyparts,andphysiologyisthestudyofthefunctionoftheseparts.Structureissuitedtothefunctionofapart.8 二、人体解剖生理学的研究方法 (一)人体解剖学的研究方法尸体研究活体研究动物实验 9 (二)组织学研究方法有多种,只介绍一般光镜技术非切片法:如涂片法、铺片法、磨片法等切片...
A 24-year-old man becomes paraplegic after he severs his spinal cord at T1 in an automobile accident. Chronic constipation is a problem, but he wants to be as independent as possible in its treatment. His physician advises him to distend the rectum digitally on a regular schedule to ...
Figure 24–26 The Defecation Reflex. Voluntary relaxation of the external anal sphincter allows defecation to occur at a convenient time. Spinal cord 3 The long reflex is a spinal reflex coordinated by the sacral parasympathetic system. This reflex stimulates mass movements that push feces toward th...
Dementia Loss of mental function Causes include stroke, head injury, alcohol/drug abuse, loss of nerve cells S&S = forgetful, change in personality / mood Tx = No cure; treat symptoms Alzheimer’s Most common type of dementia Caused by family Hx, aluminum, obesity, & increasing age S&S = ...