【医学PPT课件】Reproductive Physiology 【医学PPT课件】ReproductivePhysiology Whatwillwediscussinthischapter?(Outline)I.SexualdifferentiationandformationofgenitaliaII.Malereproductivesystem:functionandregulationIII.Femalereproductivesystem:functionandregulationIV.PregnancyandparturitionV.MechanismofmilksecretionVI.Sex...
上海交通大学医学院:《妇产科学》(双语) 33 Physiology of the Female Reproductive System,ppt格式文档下载,共24页。Physiological Stages Neonatal period: birth---4 weeks Childhood: 4 weeks---12 years Puberty:12 years---18 years Sexual maturation: 18 yea
女性生殖系统.Female-Reproductive-SystemPPT课件 热度: PhysiologyofFemale ReproductiveSystem The1stAffiliatedHospitalofSUMS 徐艳文徐艳文徐艳文徐艳文 PhysiologyofFemaleReproductiveSystem •Stagesofawoman’slife •Clinicalfeaturesofmenstruation •Oocytesgrowthandfollicledevelopment ...
Male Reproductive Anatomy Prostate Gland Bladder Seminal Vesicle Cowper’s Gland Vas Deferens Urethra Penis Epididymis Testicle Scrotum Glans Circumcision Note; New research in Afica has shown a higher rate of HIV infection among uncircumcised males, CDC ...
Journal of the American Medical AssociationOslund, R. M. 1928. The physiology of the male re- productive system. J. Amer. Med. Ass. 90:829.Heindel JJ, Treinen KA. Physiology of the male reproductive system: endocrine, paracrine and autocrine regulation. Tox- icol Pathol. 1989;17:411-45...
Figure 1. Click for a larger image. The structures of the male reproductive system include the testes, the epididymides, the penis, and the ducts and glands that produce and carry semen. Sperm exit the scrotum through the ductus deferens, which is bundled in the spermatic cord. The seminal...
MCB 135E Physiology of Development GSI: Jason Lowry Discussion General Information 1.Discussions: Mon 4-5 pm in 106 Moffitt 2.Office Hours: Wed 1:30-2:30 in 434 Barker 3. Introduction –Class Overview –Syllabus –Discussion Topics Growth and Development Male and Female Reproductive Systems Fer...
Physiologyof FemaleGenitalSystem上海交通大学护理学院黄文莉女性生殖系统生理 Physiologyof Fema1目录 Directory一、月经概念及临床表现二、卵巢的功能三、月经的周期性变化及调节四、内生殖器的周期性变化五、小结目录 Directory一、月经概念及临床表现2教学目标
19阅读文档大小:1.01M43页damatuhao上传于2014-10-16格式:PPT Physiology of the Female Reproductive System:女性生殖系统的生理学 热度: Anatomy Physiology Of Female Reproductive … 热度: 生理学 Blood Physiology 2 热度: AnimalScience434 ReproductivePhysiology ...