When microglia (and probably to a lesser extent astrocytes) are activated by an immune challenge or immune signaling, they “activate,” meaning they undergo morphological and functional changes. The purpose of these activational changes is (1) to remove damaged cells via phagocytosis, (2) to ...
The physiological changes of three pines under drought and rehydration.ATotal antioxidant capacity (TAOC);BSoluble proteins (SP);CSoluble sugars (SS);DStarch;ENon-structural carbohydrate (NSC);FPeroxidase (POD) activity;GMalondialdehyde (MDA) content;HChlorophyll a (Chla);IChlorophyll b (Chlb);J...
Ethnology, the word, is derived from the Greek ethos, meaning the characteristic traits or features which distinguish a group-any particular group of people or,in biology,a group of animals such as a species. Ethnologists have the intention of studying "the whole sequence of acts which constitu...
A gaze stabilization asymmetry score higher than 13% achieved a sensitivity of 47% and a specificity of 96% [129], meaning that this test could be a valuable tool. However, due to the high number of false negatives, it should be used in combination with other tests to achieve better ...