The effects of two types of erotic literature on physiological and verbal measures of female sexual arousal. J Sex Res. 1977;13:250.Osborn, C. A. & Pollack, R. H. (1977). The effects of two types of erotic literature on physiological and verbal measures of female sexual arousal. ...
Self-reported rape myth acceptance attitudes have been heavily utilized when attempting to quantify the socio-cultural effects of pornography. However, meta-analytic evidence suggests that the association between pornography and sexual assault attitudes is generally modest (e.g., r < .20) (e.g...
Progress in research of Glutamine and Glutamine-Dipeptide's nutritional physiology; 谷氨酰胺及其二肽的营养生理研究进展 2. Effects of vitamin C on nutritional physiology and immunity in fish:a review; 维生素C对鱼类营养生理和免疫作用的研究进展 3. Advances in magnesium nutritional physiology in plant...
physiological mechanism caused by pornography 黄色文艺吸引的生理机制(P hysiologiealmeehanism eaused by pornography)黄色文艺引起的心理活动的神经过程。以利用文学、艺术、音乐、影视等形式,毒害青少年的心理活动与相应的神经活动过程:首先是各种形式的黄色刺激通过视听感觉器官,由内导神经传入大脑。由于黄色刺激的形式...
1.The Study on Ecophysiology Mechanism of Seed of Cyclobalanopsis Chungii;福建青冈种子萌发的生理生态学机制研究 2.Host Adaptability of the Rice Stem Borer, Chilo Suppressalis Walker and Its Eco-Physiological Mechanisms二化螟寄主适应性及其生理生态学机制 3.Effects of Salinity on the Growth of Bester and...
pornographyphysiologymeta-analysismedia effectsgenderThe results of the investigations providing data on the connection between measures of sexual arousal and positive psychological affect indicate a positive relationship whether measured directly (r=.212) or by a comparison of manipulation check data (r=....
Sex obsession. Spending a lot of time fantasising about sexual urges and enacting sexual behaviours. Compulsive and frequent masturbation (one to several times a day). Use of virtual pornography. Sources include videos, adult magazines, and the Internet (websites, webcams). Masturbation with virt...
Regulation effects of nitrogen application methods on wheat grain filling and corresponding physiological mechanisms; 春季施氮方式对小麦子粒灌浆的调控及其生理机制 2. Progress in Physiological Mechanism of Nitrate Accumulation in Vegetable; 蔬菜硝酸盐积累生理机制研究进展 3. Review on physiological mechanism...