Define physiotype. physiotype synonyms, physiotype pronunciation, physiotype translation, English dictionary definition of physiotype. n. The collection of physical characteristics or features that distinguish a person or other organism. American Heritag
AMBulante Integrierte Gesundheitszentren zur Optimierung der Ärztlichen Versorgung und Pflege im Ländlichen Raum - ANwendungserweiterungen COvid-19 Restitutionsphasen BEM: German structured employment reintegration program for employees with long-term diseases (original: Betriebliches Eingliederungsmanagemen...
摘要: Since 1981 patients with multiple sclerosis have been admitted to in the clinic of the sanatorium Thermalbad Wiesenbad for a stay in the health resort. It reported on the performance of a successful somatic and psychic therapy and the principles resulting from this....
Many of the genes were downregulated (>5-fold) in the panicle of N 22 und TtssahuatsercbpehlsesetarsSpse5istpn)is.edcpiMnaltucisadldenuaiyadsnesiognpafgsattphhtrahetoriogtcssi,eece,nffaffeooatstrtrtwyyhheyaayrpccepyyoldotl-h-CotChewoteoAinctAraiseclygaspnuylrtlhonpaetttretehoaidnesteset(...