The Physio-Control Lifepak 15defibrillator/monitor. The Lifepak 15 continuously monitors all 12-leads in the background and alerts the operator to any changes, gives EtCO2 with continuous waveform capture, and features Masimo Rainbow technology to help detect hard-to-diagnose conditions with non...
菲康AED自动体外除颤仪 便携式 LIFEPAK系列 一站式供应 便携式 自动 企晟(上海)医疗器械有限公司 3年 查看详情 面议 广东东莞 自动除颤仪 维伟思AED 心脏除颤器 带屏幕 应急救护装备 距您较近 自动 广东品瑞科技有限公司 6年 查看详情 面议 上海 模拟AED自动体外除颤仪 PVC 自动 上海真康医疗科技有限公司...
Physio-Control Launches Voluntary Field Correction To A Limited Number Of LIFEPAK(R) 15 Monitor/Defibrillators
PHYSIO-CONTROL LPCR错误代码4901说明书 PHYSIO-CONTROL 11811 WILLOWS ROAD NE - POST OFFICE BOX 97006 REDMOND WASHINGTON 3/16/2020 1 Document Detail Type:NON-QUALITY DOCUMENT PC000777[B]Document No.:TB_LPCR_Error Code 4901Title:HUBERD2 DAVID HUBER Owner/Modifier:CURRENT Status:Effective Date:16-...
Medtronic LIFEPAK 500 AED Manual Get an original copy of the Medtronic LIFEPAK 500 AED Manual for manufacturer information about service, available accessories and how to use and maintain your device. LIFEPAK® 500 Automated External Defibrillator with cprMAX™ Technology Operating Instructions ...