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美国菲康Physio Control Lifepak1000除颤器配置:主机及便携包 QuikCombo电极片不可充电电池11141-000156 中文说明书 #推进公共场所自动体外除颤器配置#
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LIFEPAK 1000 Training Unit Reusable Defibrillation Electrode Pads Soft Carry Case Remote Control Trainer's Manual on CD Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery Battery Charger Images shown may vary slightly from items shipped. Information supplied is deemed to be accurate but cannot be guaranteed....
菲声康彻Physio-Control半自动体外除颤仪可对无反应、无正常呼吸且无循环体征的心脏骤停患者实施体外除颤,预期治疗潜在的致命性心律失常(心室颤动和症状性室性心动过速)。 详细介绍 菲声康彻Physio-Control半自动体外除颤仪由执业医师/医疗指导授权并且经CPR培训和设备使用培训合格的人员使用。标准除颤电极仅对成人、年龄...
美敦力Medtronic菲声康彻Physio-Control半自动体外除颤仪LIFEPAK 1000品牌:无型号:无产地:国外·美国产品注册号:国械注进20163082101用途:医用招商状态:招商中招商区域:全国我要留言上海颂柯医疗器械有限公司 联系时请告知消息来自3618医疗器械网,您会获得更多的优惠或支持联系人:***联系电话:*** 进入企业主页...
So far, eight adverse events have been traced to this issue. Physio-Control notes the problem "can potentially affect any LIFEPAK 1000 device; however, customers with nonrechargeable batteries who don't routinely remove the battery for inspection, as indicated in the LIFEPAK 1000 Defibrillator Opera...
The cells used in the battery packs are produced from the most reputable manufacturers in China, Korea and Japan. GALAXY ELECTRONICS has a professional, practical and high-efficiency team. The company has established a perfect technology development...
CONTROL LIFEPAK 1000 Defibrillator Used With Good Condition Brief Description The LIFEPAK 1000 Defibrillator is a powerful and compact professional medical device designed to treat victims of cardiac arrest and provide continuous cardiac monitoring. The defibrillator is flexibl...