Aristotle Was Wrong—Very Wrong—But People Still Love Him. Centuries-old ideas about force and motion have an intuitive appeal that is enduring but oh-so-incorrect, as these simple experiments show. Haunted by His Brother, HeRevolutionized Physics: To John Archibald Wheeler, the race to explain...
The Italian theorist Gian-Carlo Wick is well known for his work in mathematical physics. Nevertheless, working with Fermi’s group in Rome in the 1930
A novel data-driven constitutive modeling approach is proposed, which combines the physics-informed nature of modeling based on continuum thermodynamics with the benefits of machine learning. This approach is demonstrated on strain-rate-sensitive soft materials. This model is based on the viscous dissip...
Physics is the search for and application of rules that can help us understand and predict the world around us. Central to physics are ideas such as energy, mass, particles and waves. Physics attempts to both answer philosophical questions about the nature of the universe and provide solutions ...
I’m excited to work on this, but I’d love some more brainstorming, including poking some of these ideas a little. Here are some starters for you: I love this. What I especially love is . . . This is dumb. What I especially dislike is . . . Wait, you’re tracking the location...
‘Intuitive physics’ enables our pragmatic engagement with the physical world and forms a key component of ‘common sense’ aspects of thought. Current artificial intelligence systems pale in their understanding of intuitive physics, in comparison to ev
“The Biggest Ideas in the Universe” is based on a series of lectures that Sean gave during the pandemic. The current volume is the first in a set of three and deals with “space, time and motion”. In short, it aims to present all the math and physics you need to know for ...
both from theory and experiment, with different views on the dark matter issue, to be presented during the talks and discussed throughout the breaks. Hopefully we may all learn from each other and foster new ideas into understanding the perplexing nature of the dynamics of the Universe and of...
“I was working under the assumption that when I told students that not only could they ask questions and/or come to me for help, [that] they accepted it when I made the offer. This situation made me understand that some students (especially from certain backgrounds) had preconceived notions...
Please go to the Modulus github repositories for filing bug reports, feature requests, new architectures, implementation and to contribute your ideas to the Modulus project. Technical Support (Modulus Only) Post your questions and comments here pertaining to AI-driven physics simulations with the NVIDI...