Math in science (and particularly math in physics) is not the same as doing math. It has a different purpose—representing meaning about physical systems rather than expressing abstract relationships. It even has a distinct semiotics—the way meaning is put into symbols—from pure mathematics. It...
1.23 SET NOTATION 131 Set relations: • Ä: is a strict subset of • Ñ: is a subset of or equal to Here is a list of special mathematical shorthand symbols and their corresponding meanings: • P: element of • R: not an element of • @: for all • D: there exists ...
See Sect. 4.4.1 for how to include new tunes in new or existing "tune groups" on the site, including how to assign tune-specific default marker symbols, line styles, etc. 5.2 Producing MC results Once new processes, analyses, versions or tunes have been added, we need to produce ...
where the symbols have their usual meanings. For both these phases ∼ O(1), the dipole moment of neutron, for example, is larger than the experimental limit by two to three orders of magnitude for 100 GeV squarks. This is known as the Supersymmetric CP problem. ...
Symbols highlight 06 UT and 18 UT measurements approximately every 200 days for each camera. Short-term differences in a single camera primarily reflect temperature changes that are due to solar-irradiance and thermal-environment variations. Values, normalized to the intensity of the first image, ...