Despite the plausible necessity of topological protection for realizing scalable quantum computers, the conceptual underpinnings of topological quantum log
September, schools restart, summer ends, but a new challenge is here: RULES: 1) In order for a solution to count, a full derivation or proof must be given. Answers with no proof will be ignored... Featured Thread:Patchwork viruses in animals Scientists...
Research Experience: Summer internship at a national lab, continued working remotely this year while in school -- lots of FPGA programming through Python and antenna radiation simulation through MATLAB. Otherwise, I've done a handful of short-term (1-3 month) independent research projects at my ...
FYI:Next year, 2017, JQI plans to offer a similar seminar for a different professoinal group,Physics for Journalists, and then, pending funding, re-offer this same session as I attended,Physics for Sci-Fi Writers, in the summer of 2018. Watch this space for more of my notes, reactions ...