`Class.PhysicsService` 主要包含與 **碰撞群組** 相關的方法,以確定是否要在一組零件與其他碰撞群組中碰撞。您可以通過 Class.PhysicsService:RegisterCollisionGroup()|Register 創建、刪除和修改碰撞群之間的衝突關係是 `Class.Script|Scripts` 側的。 請參閱 [
`Class.PhysicsService` primarily contains methods for working with **collision groups** which define whether a set of parts may or may not collide with parts in other collision groups. You can register a collision group through `Class.PhysicsService:Regi
studio,physics,scripting,collision 94082025 年2 月 14 日 Is there a possible way that i can get rid of client-server delay? Scripting Support lag,studio,physics,help,physicsservice 2632025 年2 月 13 日 Slap Battles Ragdoll System | R6 ...
local Mouse = Player:GetMouse() UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local secondPoint = false local function MakePlank(StartPos, EndPos, startPoint, endPoint) local distance = math.sqrt((StartPos.X - EndPos.X)^2 + (StartPos.Y - EndPos.Y)^2 + (StartPos.Z - EndPos.Z)...
Broken collision model with TweenService and Motor6D with Part detected with Raycast Engine Bugs bug,physics-bug 133452024 年12 月 17 日 Doors having to "Warm Up" Engine Bugs bug,physics-bug 54732024 年12 月 13 日 Rope Constraints Exert Gravity Force Even When attachment objects are Massless ...
`Class.PhysicsService` 主要包含与 **碰撞群组** 相关的方法,用于确定是否要在一组零件与其他碰撞群组中碰撞。您可以通过Class.PhysicsService:RegisterCollisionGroup()|RegisterCollision 创建、删除和修改冲突群组之间的碰撞关系是由服务器端 `Class.Script|Scripts