Latex template Copyright Copyright Transfer Statement.docx Sample article 2023EnTemp-SCPMA.doc Information for authors 2024-IFA-new-2.pdf Requirements for Submission Ensure that the following items are present The following list will be useful during the final checking of an articl...
Review time 91 days Submission to acceptance Editor in Chief View full editorial board Gian F. Giudice, PhD European Organization for Nuclear Research, Genève, 1211, Switzerland Short communicationOpen access Search for the non-linearities of gravitational wave background in NANOGrav 15-year data set...
LaTeX We encourage you use our LaTeX template when preparing a LaTeX submission. You will be asked to provide all relevant editable source files upon submission or revision. Support for your LaTeX submission: LaTeX submission instructions and templates Journal Article Publishing Support Center LaTeX FAQ...
LaTeX We encourage you use our LaTeX template when preparing a LaTeX submission. You will be asked to provide all relevant editable source files upon submission or revision. Support for your LaTeX submission: LaTeX submission instructions and templates Journal Article Publishing Support Center LaTeX FAQ...
If you are working with LaTeX, text graphics may also be embedded in the file. Artwork formats When your artwork is finalized, "save as" or convert your electronic artwork to the formats listed below taking into account the given resolution requirements for line drawings, halftones, and line/...
Additional information for TeX/LaTeX users You are encouraged to use the Springer Nature LaTeX template when preparing a submission. A PDF of your manuscript files will be compiled during submission using pdfLaTeX and TexLive 2021. All relevant editable source files must be uploaded during the subm...
The Medical Physics LaTex template contains includes information required to display page and line numbers in your manuscript file. In general, the editors prefer .doc(x) files for peer review. Authors using LaTex should make every effort to convert their file to .doc(x) for submission. If ...
The system converts your article files to a single PDF file used in the peer-review process. Editable files (e.g., Word, LaTeX) are required to typeset your article for final publication. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, is sent...
GitHub - mohuangrui/ucasthesis: [最新样式] 中国科学院大学学位论文 LaTeX 模板 LaTeX Thesis Template for the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences ucasthesis-master.zip此模板使用见:ucasthesis-master\模板使用说明.pdf,注意不能使用编辑器中的
Submissions to Medical Physics must have page numbering and continuous line numbering. Instructions for inserting page numbers and continuous line numbers in Word are located here. The Medical Physics LaTex template contains includes information required to display page and line numbers in your manuscript...