立即续费VIP 会员中心 VIP福利社 VIP免费专区 VIP专属特权 客户端 登录 百度文库 其他 annual review of condensed matter physics缩写annual review of condensed matter physics缩写:ANNU REV CONDEN MA P ©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
Fast Track articles are invited original research articles that report results that are particularly novel and important or provide a significant advancement in an emerging field. Because of the urgency and scientific importance of the work, the peer review process is accelerated. If, during the ...
He was all set to send it toPhysical Review Letters, which today describes itself as “the world’s premier physics letter journal.” However, before he dispatched it, Hetherington gave the paper to a colleague to get one one last set...
加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology, 缩写为Caltech)是美国的一所久负声望的大学,位于加利福尼亚州的帕萨蒂纳(Pasadena),创建于1891年。这所院校规模不算大,只有1000余名研究生和900余名本科毕业的学生,只是在《泰晤士报高等教育》全球大学排名中位于世界第1位。而在物理、行星科学、地理学领域公认为...
Physical Review X (PRX) 2160-3308 14.417/1 PHYS REV LETT (PRL) 0031-9007 9.185/1 COMPUT PHYS COMMUN 0010-4655 4.717/2 J COMPUT PHYS 0021-9991 4.645/2 PHYS REV B (PRB) 2469-9950 3.908/2 PHYS REV A (PRA) 2469-9926 2.971/2 ...
31.A review of 3D printed patient specific immobilisation devices in radiotherapy 机译:放射治疗中3D印刷患者特异性固定装置的综述 作者:Amirhossein Asfia;James I. Novak;Mazher Iqbal Mohammed;Bernard Rolfe;Tomas Kron 期刊名称:《Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology》 | 2020年第-1期 32.Evaluatio...
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics is a journal that publishes original scientific research and review articles on vital issues in the physics of the Earth’s atmosphere and hydrosphere and climate theory. The journal presents results of recent studies of physical processes in the atmosphere an...
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry化学物理化学11.982N/A0066-426X APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL化学物理化学4.632区0926-860X CATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS化学物理化学3.674N/A1566-7367 CATALYSIS LETTERS化学物理化学2.3723区1011-372X CATALYSIS REVIEWS-SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING化学物理化学9N/A0161-4940 ...
27.Book review: Strategies for radiation therapy treatment planning 机译:书评:放射疗法治疗计划的策略 作者:Chengyu Shi 期刊名称:《Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics》 | 2019年第9期 28.In regards to Bogue J Wan J Lavey RS Parsai EI. Dosimetric comparison of VMAT with integrated skin...
annual review of ecology and systematics journal of vacuum science & technology a BALKAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS journal of biomedical materials research part b-applied biomaterials Journal of Thermal Science comparative haematology international ieee transactions on biomedical engineering international jo...