17), the source was operated in a ‘burn-in’ configuration at a reduced activity of 2.5 × 1010 Bq, which is required when structural materials are exposed to high amounts of tritium for the first time. Major technical achievements of the second KATRIN neutrino-mass (KNM2) campaign...
he wouldn’t give up. Well, he had no other interests in life practically. He would sit until 1:00 or 2:00, or 3:00 in the morning; it didn’t matter to him at all; he wouldn’t go out for dinner, he would bring an apple to the laboratory, and that was his dinner. And i...
3. 西尔维斯特惯性定理:实二次型的规范形是唯一的,且规范形中系数为 1 的个数等于正惯性指数,系数为 -1 的个数等于负惯性指数。4. 线性空间的维数定理:若V是有限维线性空间,W是V的子空间,则dim(V) = dim(W) + dim(V/W)。5. 线性变换的特征值与特征向量的相关定理:设A是线性变换T在某一基...
When used to expand, for example, Coulomb solutions, the required number of basis functions will depend on the largest radial distance up to which one needs to go. As such a distance grows the number of expansion coefficients increases too, simply because the never vanishing nature of a ...
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You are required to: Deposit your research data in a relevant data repository. Cite and link to this dataset in your article. If this is not possible, make a statement explaining why research data cannot be shared. Data statement To foster transparency, you are required to state the availabil...
You are required to include the following details in the title page information: Article title. Article titles should be concise and informative. Please avoid abbreviations and formulae, where possible, unless they are established and widely understood, e.g., DNA). Author names. Provide the given...
returns to its ground state by emitting a photon of 2.2 electron volts energy (yellow light). The trap depth of this phosphor (i.e., the energy required for release of an electron from it) is large compared with the thermal energy of the lattice of the host crystal, and, therefore, ...
We stress that there is no a priori operationally justified reason to prefer the generalised robustness over the other monotones. If anything, the most operationally meaningful monotones to select here would be those defined directly in terms of practical tasks, such as the entanglement costEcitself....
No initial randomness and no active devices are required; the maximum value of the min-entropy is bounded by the number of POVM elements N, but is not limited by the dimension d of the underlying Hilbert space. Since we are working in the source-device-independent framework, we do not ...