This chapter describes Physics Plus Project as a way of linking school physics with technology. Physics courses for students up to 16 years of age tend to be rather pure, concentrating on the teaching of basic concepts. This teaching is largely by theoretical discussions, supported by laboratory ...
Show moreView chapterExplore book Polymerized Membranes, a Review* K.J. Wiese, in Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, 2001 1 Introduction and outline One of the most challenging ideas in modem physics is the concept of universality: certain properties of physical systems do not depend on mi...
Laboratory-Space and Configuration-Space Formulations of Quantum Mechanics, Versus Bell-Clauser-Horne-Shimony Local Realism, Versus Born’s Ambiguity; Jaeger, G., Simon, D., Sergienko, A.V., Greenberger, D., Zeilinger, A., Eds.; Chapter 3 in Quantum Arrangements; Springer-Nature: Berlin/...
We're back after several weeks' hiatus--although I still found time to write a special Twelve Days of Christmas series of science posts, plus a few others. And I've thrown in some of the physics stories you may have missed over the holidays for good measure.The 12 Days of Christmas:...
WileyPLUS, one of the online homework systems available with this book. WileyPLUS also includes electronic versions of all the end-of-chapter problems in Fundamentals of Physics and the interactive tutorials (several hundred) and hints (several thousand) written by author Jearl Walker. You can ...
The way the chapters are organized, one small chapter per subject--there are 45 such chapters--makes the text suited for self-study: one chapter per day keeps flunking away! There are exercises scattered throughout the chapters, but not many: some chapters have none, some chapters have as...
In Figure 5-1, you can see what the ball looks like when moving on a line from one point to another, and also what the points path looks like when it is drawn. Note This is the only time in this chapter where we will discuss the points path in depth. If you see the points bein...
This chapter of the report of the “Flavor in the era of the LHC” Workshop discusses the theoretical, phenomenological and experimental issues r
Chapter © 2021 Education and research: the development of German physics in the nineteenth century—part one Article 24 August 2018 References Bethge K. (ed.): 1992, History of the Physical-Mathematical Sciences and the Teaching of Sciences, European Physical Society, Geneva. Google Scholar...
One feature request: the compass needs to show the actual decimal reading along with the analog dial, otherwise you’re making a needless estimation of heading (see the iphone built in compass app for comparison). So 1 star taken away for that, plus the audio waveform analyzer was crashing ...