a, Synchronous muscle has a 1:1 relationship between neural activation (blue dots) and muscle contraction. Asynchronous muscle contraction is independent of the precise timing of neural activation (red dots), arising from delayed stretch activation2.b, The physiological signature of an asynchronous mu...
a, Synchronous muscle has a 1:1 relationship between neural activation (blue dots) and muscle contraction. Asynchronous muscle contraction is independent of the precise timing of neural activation (red dots), arising from delayed stretch activation2.b, The physiological signature of an asynchronous mu...
the National Ignition Facility. These design changes resulted in fusion powers of 1.5 petawatts, greater than the input power of the laser, and 170 kJ of fusion energy18,19. Radiation hydrodynamics simulations20,21show energy deposition by alpha particles as the dominant term in the hot-spo...
The ultimate fate of a beta particle depends upon its charge. A negatively charged beta particle, after its kinetic energy has been spent, either combines with a positively charged ion, or becomes a "free electron". Positrons, however, have a different fate. In spite of the fact that they...
Homework Statement Hyperfine structure is the splitting of energy levels due to the coupling of the magnetic moment of the atomic nucleus and the electron’s total angular momentum. In a hypothetical atom called “hypogen” the electron is replaced by a negatively charged pion (π-) which has....
It was found that the RMSD distribution of the best-matching experiment–model pairs only poorly overlaps the control (two-sided Mann–Whitney p-value < 10−3, Figure 3b, middle), with more than 90% of the LE and SBS best matches falling below 10% of control (pie charts in Figure ...
The pie charts display the distribution of sub-classes of extragalactic sources, as extracted from the 1EG [15], 3EG [10], 1FGL [16], 3FGL [17], 1FLGC [18], 4FGL-DR2 [19], 1FLT [20] and 2FLGC [21] catalogs. The solid black line shows significant detections by gamma-ray ...