Learning and reasoning about physical phenomena is still a challenge in robotics development, and computational sciences play a capital role in the search for accurate methods able to provide explanations for past events and rigorous forecasts of future situations. We propose a physics-informed reinforce...
It considers exotic space times in which gravity creates closed time-like curves and hence permits time travel into the past. Deutsch argued that the usual paradoxes associated with such solutions of GR can be resolved by QM. He does not attempt to quantize gravity, but considers quantum ...
Grmonty: relativistic Monte Carlo code. ApJS 2009, 184, 387. ApJ 2011, 737, 21. Orbital Advection by Interpolation. ApJS 2008, 177, 373. ApJS 2008, 173, 553. HAM2D: 2D shearing box. ApJS 2008, 174, 145. Self-gravitating 2D shearing sheet. ApJ 2001, 553, 174. ApJ 2003, 597,...
Introduction + exercisesby G. ‘t Hooft Alternative:Sean M. Carrol’s lecture notes on GR Pierre van Baal’s notes on QFT 广义相对论。度规张量。时空曲率。爱因斯坦的引力方程。施瓦茨查尔德黑洞;李斯奈尔-挠茨陶姆黑洞。近日点移动。引力透镜。宇宙模型。引力辐射。 量子场论. 经典场:标量场,狄拉克-旋...
Hello. I've recently been reading this paper... https://arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/0001099.pdf ...in the hope that I can begin to understand some the role of the energy conditions in General Relativity. But I'm not making much progress and so I've turned to this paper... ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry is a multidisciplinary journal that provides a medium for publication of substantial and original papers, reviews, and short communications which focus on research and developments involving ionizing radiation in radiation physics, radiation chemistry and radiation processing. ...
The Mediterranean Sea has been sampled irregularly by research vessels in the past, mostly by national expeditions in regional waters. To monitor the hydrographic, biogeochemical and circulation changes in the Mediterranean Sea, a systematic repeat oceanographic survey programme called Med-SHIP was recomme...
I can no longer conceive that there mightreally bea universal time, which is somehow "moving" from the past to the future. This now seems like nonsense. Something like Barbour's timeless physics has to be true, or I'm in trouble: I have forgotten how to imagine a universe that has "...
摘要: A review of the operational health physics papers published in Health Physics and Operational Radiation Safety over the past fifteen years indicated seventeen general categories or areas into which the topics could be readily separated. These areas include academic research programs, use of comput...
The Directories include: The Final Secret of Free Energy with Comment; Additional Info on the Secret of Free Energy; Mass as an electromagnetic effect Added July 2 1995; On a Testable Unification of EM, GR and QM 1991; Patent regarding final purpose of superconductivity Added July 2 1995; ...