Wurfel (physics, U. Karlsruhe, Germany) develops the physical principles underlying the function of a solar cell, seeking a balance between being comprehensive and being comprehensible for students and researchers in other sciences as well as physics. His emphasis is on a thermodynamic approach that...
This paper reports on investigations on the possible advantage of the coupling between genomes and physics of cells in artificial evolution. The idea is simple: evolution can rely on physical processes during development allowing to produce shapes without need to specify how exactly this shaping has ...
出版社: Physics of Solar Cells: From Principles to New Concepts, by Peter Würfel, pp. 198. ISBN 3-527-40428-7. Wiley-VCH , March 2005. 摘要: Würfel's book describes in detail all aspects of solar cell function, the physics behind every single step, as well as all the ...
The physics of cell fatedoi:10.1016/B978-0-12-817996-3.00003-7Philip GreulichRosanna SmithBen D. MacArthurPhenotypic Switching
Both of these material properties, i.e. recovery of the shape after an external stress has been imposed and dynamic structural reorganization, are essential for many cellular phenomena. Examples are mechanical properties of tissue, cell motility, cell growth and division, and active intracellular ...
Nanomechanical mapping of first binding steps of a virus to animal cells Viral infection is initiated when a virus binds to cell surface receptors. Because the cell membrane is dynamic and heterogeneous, imaging living cells and simultaneously quantifying the first viral binding events is difficult. ...
Cell Syst. 10, 287 (2020). Article Google Scholar Rees, C. L., Moradi, K. & Ascoli, G. A. Weighing the evidence in Peters' rule: does neuronal morphology predict connectivity? Trends Neurosci. 40, 63 (2017). Article Google Scholar Udvary, D. et al. The impact of neuron ...
Complex networks are ubiquitous: a cell, the human brain, a group of people and the Internet are all examples of interconnected many-body systems characterized by macroscopic properties that cannot be trivially deduced from those of their microscopic constituents. Such systems are exposed to both int...
摘要: The use of statistical physics and thermodynamics in cell biology is illustrated with examples relating to 1) membrane‐embedded, switchable ion transport channels and 2) clathrin coats, which play a central role in receptor‐mediated endocytosis and other cellular transport processes....