Both are "fluids", both can flow. Gases areusuallyless dense than liquids, although gases under fiercely high pressure can approach the density of liquids, so that's not a good criterion. The main difference is that gases are a different phase of matter: a gas can be made to condense in...
Thus, in the case of a solid, the hydrostatic (or isostatic) pressure is defined as one third of the trace of the tensor, i.e., the mean of the diagonal terms. For viscous fluids the Cauchy stress tensor σ is defined as: If the fluid is incompressible it follows that: If the...
【24hr】Topological superfluids for spin-orbit coupled ultracold Fermi gases 包量 机译 自旋轨道耦合超冷费米气体的拓扑超流体 作者:Jia Wei;Huang Zhi-Hao;Wei Xian;Zhao Qing;Liu Xiong-Jun; 刊名:Physical review. B, Condensed Matter And Materals Physics 2019年第9期 摘要:We ...
A network is said to have the properties of a small world if a suitably defined average distance between any two nodes is proportional to the logarithm of the number of nodes,N. In this paper, we present a novel derivation of the small-world property for Gilbert–Erdös–Renyi random netw...
76.Nonlinear inertial effects on the instability of a single long wave of finite amplitude at the interface of two viscous fluids 机译:非线性惯性效应对两个粘性流体界面上有限振幅的单个长波的不稳定性的影响 作者:HenryPower;MiguelVillegas;CarlosCarmona 期刊名称:《ZAMP: Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathem...
CylindersFluidsTorque Replies: 4 Forum:Mechanics C Increasing the Power Output of a Turbine I have a hydro turbine spinning at 62.746RPM and it produces 170.195Nm of torque. It generates 1.1183kW but ideally, I would like to step it up to at least 4.5kW. Is this possible using a gearbox...