How is Physics of Fluids (American Institute of Physics) abbreviated? POF stands for Physics of Fluids (American Institute of Physics). POF is defined as Physics of Fluids (American Institute of Physics) very frequently.
In addition, we use the abbreviation \(\kappa :=\pi /2\omega _1\). In the main text, the half-periods are set to \((\omega _1,\omega _2)=(\ell ,\textrm{i}\delta )\). Throughout this appendix, z is a complex variable....
For viscous fluids the Cauchy stress tensor σ is defined as: If the fluid is incompressible it follows that: If the fluid is compressible the assumption above is true, if the viscosity of compression vanishes: Principal stresses in 3-D The three dimensional Cauchy stress tensor is defined...
A new approach to simulating collisionless dark matter fluids. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 434, 1171–1191 (2013). ADS Google Scholar Yoshikawa, K., Yoshida, N. & Umemura, M. Direct integration of the collisionless Boltzmann equation in six-dimensional phase space: self-gravitating systems....
Abbreviation: ADE, advection-dispersion equation. Figure 9 shows the PINN solution for the hydraulic head and the point errors in this solution. We see a good agreement with the reference solution, with maximum point errors of less than 0.09 and a relative L2 error of ϵh = 1.63 × 10...
of Units Metric system-SI Franch name: Système Internationale d’unités SEVEV fundamental (base basic) SI units P. Q. UNIT ABBREVIATION length meter m mass kilogram kg time second s electric current ampere A temperature kelvin K luminous intensity candela cd amount of substance mole mol The ...
Indeed, the tilde is an abbreviation for the home directory path—that is, the sequence of characters (also known as a string) beginning with the root directory (/). Because the path is defined relative to the absolute top of the directory tree, this: ~/fission and this: /filespace/...
where we have used the abbreviation \(s=\mathrm{sgn}\,(\nu )\). Solving Eq. (24) for ψ yields three possible distinct values: $${\psi }_{1}=\arccos \left({\phi }_{+}\right),$$ (26) $${\psi }_{2}=\pi -\arccos \left(\frac{1}{2}\ {\phi }_{+}-{\rm{i}}\...
(B2) phase become equal at the phase-transition pressurePand at zero temperature, i.e.,GB1=GB2[13]. Here, the abbreviationUB1(r) to the Rock Salt (B1) andUB2(r′) stands for the CsCl (B2) phase. Here,VB1(=2r3) andVB2(=1.54r′3) as the unit cell volume and are being the...