a radius ε ball BdR (s, ε) around it, the ball's pre-image ℘−1(BdR(s, ε)) contains ( )℘dwbEtTwhAe−hxhoa(1aioptIr(|sntψlaBdoeyifbzdsstnC0eaRp〉eer(l/u,ialz6ntZsr|0cyeψt,+[oi2iitszsra]εot〉,rla)l)opesat)mghrse=op.o⊃pviTo2wxaiu(hndBr1itr...
The 229Th nucleus has an isomeric state at an energy of about 8 eV above the ground state, several orders of magnitude lower than typical nuclear excitation energies. This has inspired the development of a field of low-energy nuclear physics in which
K 3 ’ K 3 2019-9-1112 o V A U t 2U U U 3U/2 7U/4 U U/2 3U/4 15U/8 7U/8 V c1’ V c1 2019-9-1113 Singlecascade U o =2U Nseriescascade U o =2NU Idealcase, noinner powerdissipationin cascadepowersupply 2019-9-1114 Loadcurrentstronglyreducestheoutputvoltage ofcascadegene...