Kinetic theory of gases 气体动理学 (Statistical Physics of Particles, Section 3.1-3.5, Kardar 2007) 这篇文章是我在读Kardar的Statistical Physics of Particles第三章时的笔记。因为这一章讲的动理学比较抽象,我个人感觉理解起来有一定困难,所以写在知乎上,一方面是为自己整理思绪,另一方面也希望能为其他人提供...
The kinetic theory of gasesBy Leonard B. Loeb, Professor of Physics, University of California. 687 pages, figures, 15 × 23 cms. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1934. Price $6.00The kinetic theory of gasesBy Leonard B. Loeb, Professor of Physics, University of California. 687...
By Kinetic Theory Of Gases, Pressure Times Volume Equals (2/3)(Total Number Of Particles Present) Times (0.5m×(v2)bar) Which In Turn Equals (Total Number Of Particles Present) Times Boltzmann's Constant Times Kelvin Temperature. That is, PV = (2/3)N × (0.5m(v2)bar) = NkT. Reduc...
10 The Kinetic Theory of Gases 10-1 What Is Physics?10-2 Avogadro’s Number 10-3 Ideal Gases 10-4 Pressure, Temperature, and RMS Speed 10-5 Translational Kinetic Energy 10-6 Mean Free Path 10-7 The Distribution of Molecular Speeds 10-8 The Molar Specific Heats of an ...
and theory of heat. In the part of mechanics, the fundamental concepts and principles, as Newton’ s laws of motion, Momentum and angular momentum, work and energy, rotation and relativity. In the part of theory of heat, temperature, the kinetic theory of gases, the two laws of ...
The kinetic theory of gases Thermodynamics 振动和波 Oscillation Waves Sound 光学 Geometric optics Physical optics 量子理论和核物理 Quantum theory Models of the atom Elementary particles Nuclear physics 狭义相对论 The special theory of relativity 杂项Astrophysics and Cosmology_ Miscellaneous 说明:...
D Cahan. From Dust Figures to the Kinetic Theory of Gases:August Kundt and The Changing Nature of Experimental Physics in the 1860s and 1870s [J]. Annals of Sciencs, 1990.47:151 - 172. 169.Cahan, D. (1990). `From dust figures to the kinetic theory of gases: August Kundt and the ...
The kinetic theory of gases Thermodynamics 振动和波 Oscillation Waves Sound 光学 Geometric optics Physical optics 量子理论和核物理 Quantum theory Models of the atom Elementary particles Nuclear physics 狭义相对论 The special theory of relativity
10.11 A microscopic theory of gases.10.12 The mole.10.13 Interatomic forces: modifications to the kinetic theory of gases.10.14 Microscopic models of condensed matter systems.Worked examples.Problems.11 Thermal physics.11.1 Friction and heating.11.2 Temperature scales.11.3 Heat capacities of ...