Clarifying concepts and gaining a deeper understanding of ideal transformers(European Journal of Physics)Download from EJP (Open Access) Understanding the damped SHM without ODEs(Physics Education)Accepted Manuscript How tidal forces cause ocean tides in the equilibrium theory(Physics Education)Accepted Manu...
Click here to try some simulations WITHOUT installing Interactive Physics Science, Technology, Engineering and Math: Interactive Physics is the perfect match for STEM educationInteractive PhysicsTM, the award-winning educational software from Design Simulation Technologies, makes it easy to observe, ...
Interactive Physics Workbook and simulations (for Windows and Macintosh)> Improved graphing capabilities Instantaneous vector values can be displayed with vectors Updated user interaface Color of bodies linked to formula language and can change on the fly Feel the motion and/or collision DC Motor and...
PHYSICS SIMULATIONS The Physics Interactives includes a large collection of HTML5 interactive physics simulations. Designed with tablets such as the iPad and with Chromebooks in mind, this user-friendly section is filled with skill-building exercises, physics simulations, and game-like challenges. PHYS...
最新的一篇论文(Augmented Physics: Creating Interactive and Embedded Physics Simulations from Static Textbook Diagrams)介绍了一种能让普通物理教材中的静态图片变得可以互动的工具: 它能把书本上的静态图片变成可以操作和体验的互动模拟。通过使用这个工具,学生可以亲自动手“玩”这些图表,像是在做实验一样,帮助他们更...
Simulations for solid state physics. An interactive teaching resource for students and teachers. Edited by Robert H. Silsbee and Jrg Drger. Pp. xvii + 348 + CD-ROM. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Price 60.00, US$80.00. ISBN 0-521-59094-9....
The Physics Education Technology (PET) project is an ongoing effort to provide an extensive suite of simulations for teaching and learning physics and to make these resources both freely available from the PhET website ( and easy to ircorporate into classrooms. The simulations (...
Physics LE — Physics Online Homework Platform bundled with Physics Simulations. Physics LE is textbook-independent and affordably priced. Textbooks supported: OpenStax College Physics, OpenStax University Physics, OpenStax High School Physics, OpenSt
SOFA is an open source framework targeted at interactive physics simulation based on the Finite Element Method (FEM), with an emphasis on medical simulation and robotics. It is mainly intended for the research community to help foster newer algorithms, but can also be used as an efficient protot...
A physics kinematics interactive simulation. APhysicskinematics interactiveSimulation. Beating The Yellow light uses tutorials, interactive and graphical exercises, and simulations to investigate the design of intersections and the role of the length of the yellow light. This seemingly simple problem is af...