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IGCSE Revision Guide by Sarah Lloyd Paperback Revision questions are currently available for GCSE, IGCSE and IB physics. All the extra questions you need to take the separate CIE Physics IGCSE are. Revision Notes - A site where I am able to share my revision notes which I wrote - just to...
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Tutoring is done online via Zoom with the highly valuable notes available covering each and every section mentioned in specification. Follow on lessons will be consisting of topic wise questions. Last few weeks before exams consist of extensive past paper practice ...
Questions and answers on the connection between static (direct current, DC) magnetic or electric fields and cancer; including sources of exposure, summaries of the laboratory and human studies, and information on standards. http://www.mcw.edu/gcrc/cop.html Light and Color @ The Franklin Insti...
I find my way here on google frequently when I get some idea and want an answer, but I haven't been able to find any answers to a few questions I have. I hold no formal knowledge of astronomy or physics, so be understanding if my questions seem inane. I always find answers to my...
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Physics: GCSE Guidance and AnswersAlanBSc Cooper