AbstractDOI: 10.29328/journal.ijpra.1001103Read Full Article HTMLRead Full Article PDF Open accessResearch ArticleArticle ID: ijpra-aid1102Views: 14Download: 11 Cyclical Cosmology, Energy and Curvature of Space-Time Sanjay Bhushan* Published on: 28th November, 2024 Cyclical cosmic conditions illuminate...
There are *two kinds* of gravity, two ways the same force can be created. There is the action of a plasmoid as the driving force of a star, a galaxy or a planet. But different from that, there is the same thing happening in each and every particle of matter. So we have what we ...
(University Science Books, Sausalito, 2006) Google Scholar M.V. Penston, P. Benvenuti, A. Cassatella, IUE and other new observations of the slow nova RR Tel. MNRAS. 202, 833–857 (1983) ADS Google Scholar J.M. Pittard, M.F. Corcoran, In hot pursuit of the hidden companion of ...
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Download PDF You have full access to this open access article Frontiers of Physics Aims and scope Bing-Lin Young 5847 Accesses 1 Altmetric 1 Mention Explore all metrics An Erratum to this article was published on 02 April 2017 Abstract This article presents an extensive review of the status...
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, the mass-shell of future directed particles for a fixed massm. It models spacetimes containing ensembles of self-gravitating, collisionless particles and constitutes an accurate model for spacetime on large scales, where collisions are negligible and galaxies and galaxy clusters indeed interact solely...