Many thanks for publishing my article in your great journal and the friendly and hassle-free publication process, the constructive peer-review, the regular feedback system, and the Quick response to any queries. Azab Elsayed Azab I would like to thank this journal for publishing my Research Ar...
776pp Mar 2022 978-981-124-410-0 US$198 £175 978-981-124-412-4(ebook) US$158 £140 Reviews in Mathematical Physics Free-to-read: Most-Read Articles of 2021 New and Bestselling Titles in Mathematical Physics Essential Textbooks in Physics How to ...
Includes new theory on free energy machine, plus description of secret code, containing full details of construction of his machine - so far not deciphered. Free Energy Flywheel - Creative Science & Research, We have discovered a new Free Energy device wheel that will supply free electricity ...
Homework Statement A guitar string is vibrating in its fundamental mode, with nodes at each end. The length of the segment of the string that is free to vibrate is 0.381m. The maximum transverse acceleration of a point at the middle of the segment is 8600 m/s and the max. transverse ve...
Scientists are doing experiments to find any change in the Fine Structure constant in the past. It is dependent on the following constants. C (Velocity of Light) e (Charge of the electron) E0 (Permittivity of free space) h (plancks constant) Could you pls let me know which of the......
Quirrenbach, Saas-Free Advanced Course 31. Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy, Ed. by D. Queloz, S. Udry, M. Mayor, and W. Benz (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006). Google Scholar C. H. Chen, B. M. Patten, M. W. Werner, et al., “A Spitzer Study of Disty ...
C. Kittel and H. Kroemer, Thermal Physics, W.H. Freemann and Company, 1998 Google Scholar K. A. Olive, The violent Universe: The Big Bang, lectures given at the 2009 European School of Hing- Energy Physics, Bautzen, Germany, June 2009, arXiv: 1005.3955 [hep-ph] Google Scholar ...
The causal closure of physics is usually discussed in a context free way. Here I discuss it in the context of engineering systems and biology, where strong
Longitude-velocity diagram comparing\(^{26}\)Al velocities (crosses) with other object distributions in our Galaxy, i.e. molecular CO gas in the ridge (colour scale overlay), free electron density (blue), a 1:3 ratio between bar and disk (red), and a new leading-edge blow-out of\(...