Physics of the galaxy and interstellar matter The present book is a translation of the original German edition (published in 1982) with some minor corrections and improvements. The guide to sup plement... H Scheffler,H Elsässer - Springer Berlin Heidelberg 被引量: 167发表: 1988年 Book-...
Tesla and free energy, David Monroe discusses the numbers 3, 6 and 9 and the one quarter wavelength input that produces energy gain stored in standing wave This was originally a Facebook Note. David added numbers 21 and 22 on Sept. 07/2021, and added number 23 on Sept 11, 2021 (proof...
Benson, Warm dark matter chills out: constraints on the halo mass function and the free-streaming length of dark matter with eight quadruple-image strong gravitational lenses. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 491(4), 6077–6101 (2020) Article ADS Google Scholar M.H. Goroff, B. Grinstein, S...
et al. Sub-femto-g free fall for space-based gravitational wave observatories: LISA pathfinder results. Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 231101 (2016). Article ADS Google Scholar Armano, M. et al. Beyond the required LISA free-fall performance: new LISA pathfinder results down to 20 μHz. Phys...
A partially ionized gas of ions and electrons, in which a certain proportion of the electrons are free rather than being bound to an atom or molecule. It has properties quite unlike those of solids, liquids or gases and is sometimes considered to be a distinct fourth state of matter. An ...
The blobs appear to contain a negligible amount of dust and have a nearly dust-free view of the central source, but our view across the inner ejecta is severely affected by uncertain amounts of dust having a patchy distribution in the foreground. Emission lines from the inner ejecta are ...
Crammed with fascinating facts and all the core curriculum topics, this physics book will have you exam-ready in no time!Created in association with the Smithsonian Institution, this completely comprehensive guide makes physics crystal clear。 It's the perfect support for home and scho...
Hello Before I "phrase" my question (and that may be my problem), may I first state what I do know. I understand that a Rotation matrix (a member of SO(3)) has nine elements. I also understand that orthogonality imposes constraints, leaving only three free parameters (a sub-manifold)...
BookFunctionsNuclearStructure Replies: 2 Forum:High Energy, Nuclear, Particle Physics N Structure of the Milkyway Spiral Redifined Astronomers have made the most detailed map ever of our galaxy's overall shape, showing that its spiral arms extend much further than expected. Evan Levine, Leo Blitz ...
The teams used a particular kind of supernova, called type Ia supernova. It is an explosion of an old compact star that is as heavy as the Sun but as small as the Earth. A single such supernova can emit as much light as a whole galaxy. All in all, the two research teams found ...