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Our newest section, the NGSS Corner assists teachers of Physics and Physical Science in aligning their curricula with the Next Generation Science Standards. Numerous resources are identified and their alignment with the NGSS is described. TEACHER TOOLKITS The Teacher Toolkits provide teachers with packag...
(2008). Girls' biology, boys' physics: evidence from free choice science learning settings. Research in Science and Technological Education, 26(1), 75-92.A. Baram-Tsabari and A. Yarden, "Girls' biology, boys' physics: evidence from free-choice science learning settings," Res. Sci. Tech....
The advent of isolated attosecond XUV pulse sources marks a new era in attosecond science, pivotal for the investigation of core electron dynamics. Here the authors discover that the coherent Raman coupling between the cation states leads to extra timedelay between different transition channels by app...
Here, we use evidence from free‐choice science learning settings to study if this lack of interest is also expressed in non‐school settings. Three sets of self‐generated questions raised by children, adolescents and adults in the fields of biology and physics were used. The outcomes of this...