No equation sheet for quizzes. Quizzes are intended for 10 minutes, mostly multiple choice questions or simple explanations of parameters of equations. Exams are close-book, including problem solving, in addition to questions similar to those in quizzes. For parts of problem solving, we ...
No equation sheet for quizzes. Quizzes are intended for 10 minutes, mostly multiple choice questions or simple explanations of parameters of equations. Exams are close-book, including problem solving, in addition to questions similar to those in quizzes. For parts of problem solving, we ...
Hint: If you have an equation, such as B(r) = A/rn, where r is the separation distance between observer and source, and A is some constant, and B is the magnetic field, then you can experimentally fit the exponent n by using the following schema that scientists and engineers often us...
From this equation I'm supposed to... kgal Thread Oct 1, 2012 Tags Cartesian Glass Graph Index Index of refraction Refraction Thickness Replies: 1 Forum: Introductory Physics Homework Help A What is the index of refraction of the tank's walls? 1. A particular fish tank filled with ...