Edexcel IGCSE物理Physics考两张试卷Paper1和Paper2 Paper1考试时间是2小时,满分110分,占总成绩的61.1% ; Paper2考试时间为1小时15分钟,满分为70分,占总成绩的38.9%。 题型有选择题、简答题、计算题、拓展开放性问题。允许使用计算器。 在Edexcel IGCSE物理Physics考试中,等级划分为A*-G。
All lessons from the topics that will be assessed in the physics paper 2 from the Edexcel Combined Science GCSE (9-1). Includes: CP7 Energy- forces doing work CP8 Fo
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This book is written based on the specifications published by Edexcel and my study on the past papers. It is excellent for exam preparation. Contents of particular importance are highlighted in gray background. The examiners frequently request you to write down these sentences or use these formula...
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