A curious issue about Dyson-Schwinger equation (DSE): why does it work so well? This question comes out of my other question Time ordering and time derivative in path integral formalism and operator formalism, especially from the discussion with drake. The original post is ... quantum-field-...
Consider a system-environment compositeSEof dimensiondSE = dSdEwith an initial stateρ(0)that undergoes a evolution\({{\mathcal{U}}}_{0}\). An intervention\({{\mathcal{A}}}_{0}\)is then made on the systemSalone, followed by evolution\({{\mathcal{U}}}_{1}\). For concreten...
oantdhewuitnh-dthoepheidghrerfeecroemncbei.naBtoiothn rtahtee devairdkencucerdrefnotr athnids csuamrrpenlet inchtahnegpere∆viouns dsecrtivoins.ible light are enhanced through doping (by about one order of magnFiitguudree).9 pSirmesielanrtlsythteocuprrreevnitouchsansegceti(o∆nIs),...