JoltViewer - It is possible to record the output of the physics engine using the DebugRendererRecorder class (a .jor file), this folder contains the source code to an application that can visualize a recording. This is useful for e.g. visualizing the output of the PerformanceTest from diffe...
I needed a case study done for my communication class. JavaScript helped me and did a fantastic job! I got my work in two days and received a great grade! Easy to use and fast, great work! No plagiarism guaranteed! I love that during the process, I can ask questions to the writer ...
The paper [12] considers hybrid systems, which are a class of problems that cyclically switch between two phases: the first is described by a stiff system of differential algebraic equations of motion (interaction with the ground), the second corresponds to the flight phase and is specified by...
With the aid of xyz nanopositioners, one can position a QD in the sample relative to the cavity mode and one can tune the resonance frequency of the cavity to that of the QD’s emission. Essential for the unidirectionality condition, the cavity should have only one port. In this system...
15). Another class of experiments is based on the electron capture of 163Ho, where the decay energy is measured with micro-calorimeters19,20. Note that electron capture experiments based on 163Ho measure the mass of the neutrino ν and β− experiments based on tritium measure that of the...
class (Yeager et al.,2016,2019). However, the effectiveness of both mindset as a predictor of student success as well as the methodology and effectiveness of mindset interventions has been found to vary greatly (Denworth,2019; Sisk et al.,2018). For example, only 12% of the interventions...
Sampled cost functions for the falling block (FB) scenario. The darker and the larger the circles the higher the value of the cost function at the sample point. Upper row: cost function for the surface velocity, for depth versus viscosity, and density versus viscosity, respectively. Here, and...
import'package:flutter/material.dart';voidmain() {runApp(MaterialApp( debugShowCheckedModeBanner:false, home:Scaffold(body:MyApp())), ); }classMyAppextendsStatelessWidget{@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContextcontext) {intcount=30;returnScaffold( appBar:AppBar(), body:ListView.builder( itemCount:count,...
(seminars)andpreparesampleprojectswithproposalshowto develop,runandevaluateinterdisciplinaryprojects.Projectsareimportant“real-world”physicsmodules,modern physicsandeverydaylifeproblemscanbeintegratedintothehighschoolcurriculum.Examplesofprojectsthat wereworkedoutarepresented. Keywords:physics;teachingmethod;project-based...
When I was in high school, my English teacher must have had a free period at the time when my math class met, because every day he would march into the math class and empty his pockets on the table, whereupon my math teacher did the same. Then whoever had put down the most money ...