Salfeld-Nebgen, G. S. F. Stephans, K. Tatar, D. Velicanu, J. Wang, T. W. Wang, B. Wyslouch University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA A. C. Benvenuti, R. M. Chatterjee, A. Evans, P. Hansen, J. Hiltbrand, S. Kalafut, Y. Kubota, Z. Lesko, J. Mans, S. Nourbakhsh, N...
Pixneb authored and pixar-oss committed Jul 26, 2024 1 parent 36c6edc commit c898413 Show file tree Hide file tree Showing 268 changed files with 32,629 additions and 22,480 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified pxr base/ts CMakeLists.txt ...
Thus, to confirm that the background susceptibility is associated with the VHS, we analyze Eq. 2 for tχh0e, aTdsoosumdmeinminaognntthsctaortnattthereitbehulietsicowtrnoetndoiisχvia0dshseoatschikaetneBedraiwrllitothuheinVk azHnoSdnaethtie(nπhto,o0lfe)ow[uorirthp(0atk,c...
T. Nebgen, R. Zubatyuk, N. Lubbers, C. Devereux, K. Barros, S. Tretiak, O. Isayev, A. E. Roitberg, Approaching coupled cluster accuracy with a general-purpose neural network potential through transfer learning, Nature Communications 10 (1) (2019) 2903. doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10827-4...
class DNumber: '''自动微分中的对偶数类,对 +, -, *, /,幂次符号做了重载''' def __init__(self, x, dx): self.val = x self.dval = dx def __repr__(self): '''使用 print(DNumber(1, 2)) 时输出:1 + 2 d''' return f'{self.val} + {self.dval} d' def __add__(self,...
class DNumber: '''自动微分中的对偶数类,对 +, -, *, /,幂次符号做了重载''' def __init__(self, x, dx): self.val = x self.dval = dx def __repr__(self): '''使用 print(DNumber(1, 2)) 时输出:1 + 2 d''' return f'{self.val} + {self.dval} d' def __add__(self,...
Hodnebrog, Ø.; Steensen, B.M.; Marelle, L.; Alterskjær, K.; Dalsøren, S.B.; Myhre, G. Understanding Model Diversity in Future Precipitation Projections for South America. Clim. Dyn. 2022, 58, 1329–1347. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Skamarock, W.C.; Klemp, J.B.; Dud...