同学们在参加笔试前一定要把past papers都刷完,尤其是2012年之后的题,会和现在的题目风格更加接近。如果时间来得及也可以做一些NSAA和ENGAA的题目,也可以找课代表(Alevel1234)要一些模拟题。 文蓝暑期PAT笔试班课介绍 ↓↓↓ : 23Fall文蓝拿到的G5 offer!!共计突破37+枚!! (仅展示部分) ⭐星标关注⭐ 不...
That's the job of intelligent life, to make nice & orderly things so they can crack and shatter and eventually end up pulverized to dust -- A fine, granular dust that will blow across the universe. First, the bowl must be made: Some potter must shape and glaze and fire it with care...
答案及更多练习题https://www.bpho.org.uk/past-papers/round-2 2016 年中国赛区有超过 30% 的学生在BPhO中获得金银铜牌 (35 名学生获得超级金奖, 19 名学生获得金奖, 38 名学生获得银奖,101 名学生获得铜奖)。2019年中国赛区有近 10% 的学生获得全球超级金奖。像这样一个在家门口并且含金量超高的物理竞赛感...
Full size image The most common method to characterize surface wettability is to measure the contact angles that a millimetric droplet makes on the surface (contact angle goniometry), and in recent years there have been several excellent review and perspective papers on the subject23,24,25,26....
Avalanching sand from dune faces in Death Valley National Park and the Mojave Desert can trigger loud, rumbling "booming" or short bursts of "burping" sounds—behaving as a perfectly tuned musical instrument.
Can we do all this with cheaper materials? And of course, can we make a really cool video to run during the Super Bowl? (preferably with a little baby being saved by our FEM model graphics) We care about the first (how and where of heat build up), but much less about the others....
(upper left ofFig. 9). The impacting body was probably nearly large enough to break Mimas apart; such disruptions may have occurred to other objects. There is a suggestion of surficial grooves that may be features caused by the impact. The craters on Mimas tend to be high-rimmed, bowl-...