The Flask of wondrous physick in Elden Ring is truly a flask of wonders. It allows you to mix two Crystal Tears in any way you like and get whatever benefits you want out of them. However, most players struggle against finding the best mixtures for the Wonderous Flask. So here, we hav...
Collecting all of the Crystal Tears in Elden Ring can be a confusing task so here is a handy interactive list of every single one of them.│ You can toggle the checkboxes to track your progress; just don't close the tab. ✔️ This article is optimized to be printer-friendly. 🖨...
In Elden Ring, around 32 differentCrystal Tearscan be found, and you can utilize each one of them to develop different effects. It means you can rest at the site of Grace to create the desired mixture for your journey in Elden Ring. Some crystals, like the Opaline Bubbletear, allow you ...
with the exception ofBloodborne,you have a main healing flask. InElden Ring,it is called the Flask of Crimson Tears (or Flask of Cerulean Tears for FP recovery) and works just like the classic Estus flask from the main trilogy. There have always been alternative consumable...
There are lots of great items to find in Elden Ring, chief among them is the Flask of Wondrous Physick. This item acts as a sort of Sacred Flask that you can alter using tears, giving you a single-use drink that recharges whenever you rest. You may learn about it from a note, an...