Health care regulatory 101: Physician self-referral law: Group practice definitionShuren, Allison W.Wright, LoreliWood, Michael C.Ocular Surgery News
摘要: Focuses on the comments and opinions shared by the US Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) about the Stark II physician-referral law. Implications of the law; Provisions and exceptions of the law; Other key provisions of the advisory-opinion process....
"Stark" reality: self-referral rule holds risk and opportunity On January 4, 2001, the Health Care Financing Administration (now the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services or ) issued Phase I of the final Stark II regulations (Final Rule). The Final Rule implements the Ethics in Patient ...
Asking patients if they lose their temper can identify violent individuals in a non-judgmental way and can open the door to appropriate medical evaluation, treatment and referral. Patients are given an important degree of self-determination when they are offered expanded treatment options that include...
Asking patients if they lose their temper can identify violent individuals in a non-judgmental way and can open the door to appropriate medical evaluation, treatment and referral. Patients are given an important degree of self-determination when they are offered expanded treatment options that include...
Stark II added some additional health services to the self-referral prohibition, extended the prohibitions to Medicaid, and clarified conditions for exceptions. The law was amended for a third time, with the new amendments referred to as Stark III, going into effect on December 4, 2007. ...
CMS similarly was not persuaded that "patients" was a more appropriate measure than "encounters" for determining service areas under this exception. CMS also recognized the need for better outreach to FQHCs and RHCs regarding the physician self-referral law and its exceptions....
It was not the best situation, but the real problem was in trying to have a referral surgical practice. The other family doctors in town were not inclined to refer their patients to me thinking those patients might not return to their care following their operation. After 2 years of serving...
During my search for examples of countertransference, I found no published analyses of hostile countertransference affecting EAS decisions. This could be due to a self-reporting bias against disclosing a taboo feeling, possible low participation of doctors with hostile countertransference in studies of...
Actionable lessons emerged across each block, as outlined here: Service delivery: Provide protocol-based NPHW care that is community based and culturally sensitive to the community served, with physical infrastructure to allow access and referral based on robust physician backup systems. Workforce: ...