14 Moreover, some medical specialties find it more practical not to wear the white coat, particularly surgeons who find scrubs to be more pragmatic attire for transitioning between operating rooms, the clinic, and the hospital floor.15 The white coat was traditionally also worn for identification ...
a physician who owns a practice, you need easy access to the top practice resources. Visit our practice resources section to find medical offices for lease, practices for sale, office designers, medical billers, financial advisors, web designers, EMR companies, medical equipment, scrubs, and more...
Based on genre theory, this quantitative content analysis compares physician portrayals, behaviors, and patient-centered communication practices in 2,658 scenes from medical drama (Gray's Anatomy), comedy (Scrubs), and reality (New York Med) shows. Significant differences among the programs' ...
After three successive nights on-call for our local maternity practice, it had taken me seconds that evening to drop heavily into bottomless sleep, fully dressed in a clean pair of my hospital scrubs. My night uniform, ready for action at a moment’s notice. With no time for even a qui...
Healthcare workers in Idaho are hesitant to be seen in their scrubs anywhere in public—due torampant misinformationand fear of verbal and physical assault. So, how can health leaders help frontline workers and other employees protect their mental and physical health while managing a steady...
Over the years, because of my wife’s hypersensitivity (at least from a male’s standpoint) to being over-exposed “in the position” for a pelvic exam, I had become very conscious of and sensitive to the feelings that most women harbor about being “in the position” with a man doing...
Completed surveys (328) were analyzed with the following results: 86% had no preference whether the physician wore a white coat, 61% preferred scrubs, 13% were uncomfortable talking to a doctor about general topics, and 16% were uncomfortable talking about sexual, psychological, or personal ...