Jill L. Anderson (Benbow) is a physician assistant in Baltimore, Maryland. Specialties Specialty Physician Assistant A physician assistant works under the supervision of a medical doctor, providing support and care to patients in a number of fields, such as cardiology, oncology, and orthopedics. Th...
The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Examining substance use disorder treatment demand and provider capacity in a changing health care system: final report. December 2017. Accessed Jun 27, 2024. https://aspe.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/migrated_legacy_files//183121/Ex...
in the broadest possible sense, a modern hos- pital should have in place "a process to respond to patient and family's requests related to the patient's spiritual and religious beliefs".43 According to this view, the purpose of a spiritual assistant in the pediatric department should not be...