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1995. Slow Neutron Spectroscopy and the Grand Atlas of the Physical World. Rev. Mod. Phys. 67:735–751 (Nobel Prize Lecture). Article ADS Google Scholar Chandrasekhar, S. 1944. On the radiative equilibrium of a stellar atmosphere II. Astrophysical Journal 100:75–86. ADS MathSciNet Google...
Symmetries and Curvature Structure in General Relativity (World Scientific Lecture Notes in Physics Vol 47) This book is concerned with mathematical topics related to general relativity. Chapters 1-6 are expositions of a number of parts of mathematics which are i... A Rendall - 《Classical & Qua...
Blechman, Effective Field Theories (World Scientific, Singapore, 2016). C.P. Burgess, Introduction to Effective Field Theory: Thinking Effectively About Hierarchies of Scale (CUP, Cambridge, 2020). https://doi...
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While that mathematical model of things I presented does model the physical world, the numerical integration method sadly falls apart in certain situations.Consider a simulation of a bouncing ball.The entire state of the simulation is:y⃗=[xv] \vec y = \begin{bmatrix} x \\ v \end{b...
The first intentional memristor was physically realized in 2008 and the memcapacitor in 2019, but the realization of a meminductor has not yet been conclusively reported. In this paper, the first physical evidence of meminductance is shown in a two-termi
Material Type: Notes; Professor: Lee; Class: Physical Geography; Subject: GEOGRAPHY; University: Texas Tech University; Term: Fall 2009; Typology: Study notes Pre 2010 Report document Less info 20PointsDownload Uploaded on 11/23/2009 josephmc-1 🇺🇸 5(3) 20 documentsFollow ...
This outcome resembles the scenario encountered in string theory, where consistency of the string propagation, worldsheet conformal invariance, implies Ricci flatness to leading order [69]. Such an unfortunate result amounts to the difficulties that arise when trying to give a mass to a graviton ...
[Lecture Notes in Physics] Physical and Nonstandard Gauges Volume 361 || Beyond perturbation theory in the axial gaugeWe present a path integral formulation of a regulated axial gauge. The Slavnov-Taylor identity is derived, Gauss' law shown to apply and the Gribov ambiguity discussed. We ...