Everybody Physical Therapy is a physical therapy clinic located in Portland, OR. We offer physical therapy services for pelvic floor, orthopedic, auto accidents, and worker's comp issues.
One-on-one patient focused physical therapy in Portland Maine, specializing in orthopedics, spine, post surgical and sports injuries
Visit one of our3 physical therapy clinicsin Portland and Central Oregon orcallto learn more. "Love working with HQPT when it comes to Physical Therapy and getting the body moving more functionally!Thank you for pushing me towards personal excellence!" ...
We provide a range of physical therapy services within Greater Portland, including: post-op, sports injury, injury prevention, neurologic, work injury and compensation, and pelvic health.
Life's Work Physical Therapy is a group of qualified, passionate & sincere professionals who've chosen to make a career out of helping our patients succeed.
Physical Therapy Proudly offering Portland Maine’s running community a specialized performance physical therapy experience. It is our goal to help you learn the root cause of your problem and the importance of consistent well-rounded training. NOW is the time todiscover the care you deserve!
1630 SW Morrison St Portland, OR 97205 +1 (503) 227-7774 http://www.wpptc.com West Portland Physical Therapy Clinic is a renowned healthcare facility in Portland, Oregon, dedicated to providing exceptional physical therapy services. With a team of highly trained therapists, they specialize in...
Bike-friendly physical therapy: an innovative, full-service orthopedic Physical Therapy office in Portland, specializing in cycling injury and bike fitting
Sports Injuries Tendonitis Bursitis Back Pain Whiplash Fibromyalgia Plantar Fasciitis Fall Injury Prevention Joint Replacement Rehabilitation Vestibular Rehabilitation Repetitive Stress Disorders Postsurgical Rehabilitation and other physical therapy needs We Accept ...
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