At Revolution Sports Medicine, our mission is simple: provide the communities we serve with the most innovative and evidence-based PHYSICAL THERAPY, SPORTS REHABILITATION, AND PERFORMANCE TRAINING, services that are specifically tailored to our patients’ and clients’ needs. Revolution’s team of expe...
Smithfield - Douglas Pike, RI 900 Douglas Pike, Suite D Smithfield, RI 02917 401-214-9910 Learn More Schedule an Appointment East Providence, RI 375 Wampanoag Trail Riverside, RI 02915 401-270-8770 Learn More Schedule an Appointment Richmond, RI 12 Stilson Road Wyoming, RI 02898 401-539-46...
Matrix Sports Medicine & Physical Therapy provides comprehensive services to prevent & rehabilitate orthopedic and athletic injuries, to enhance athletic performance and to educate and empower the injured or underdistinguished recreational or competitive