Choose Active Solutions Therapy for professional, high-quality physical therapy services in Albuquerque, Cedar Crest, and Edgewood.
Lakeland Complex – 2039 E Edgewood Dr, Ste 130, Lakeland East Campus – 3000 Woodmont Ave, Winter Haven At Bond Clinic Physical Therapy, we provide the highest quality of service by establishing specialized treatment plans to meet the individual needs of patients. Our rehab team includes: licen...
Unleash your child's abilities with PediPlay's transformative pediatric physical therapy programs. Embrace a world of improved mobility and independence.
Use of self-management strategies in a 2-year cognitive-behavioral intervention to promote physical activity. Behavior Therapy. 2000; 31: 365-379. Article Google Scholar Clark MM, Abrams DB, Niaura RS, Eaton CA, Rossi JS. Self-efficacy in weight management. Journal of Consulting and Clinical...
RUSH Physical Therapy1月 2025のための市場シェア分析 industry-leading physical therapy. hand, back, spine, vestibular, women's health, respiratory and さらに表示する 健康> 医学 ドメイン 設立年-- 従業員501 - 1000 年間売上高-- 本部:米国, イリノイ, Chicago RUSH...