“Five different times I have utilized the professional therapy services of Physical Therapy and Sports Rehab of Hastings. I have always appreciated their complete knowledge of the various methods for rehabilitation of the body. Through their tender and efficient methods, I achieved total use and mob...
Introduction: Stress level in physical therapy students has been a focus of research due to multiple documented effects related to physical health, mental health, and ability to learn. Self-reflection has also been a focus of education research, relating it to personal learning, critical thinking,...
physical therapyqualitative researchtherapeutic allianceBackground Most conventional treatment for musculoskeletal conditions continue to show moderate effects, prompting calls for ways to increase effectiveness, including drawing from strategies used across other health conditions. Therapeutic alliance refers to ...
Various comorbidities originating from pre-existing organ disease, immunosuppressive therapy, and a history of physical inactivity cause transplant recipients to experience physical barriers to engage in physical activity or attending an exercise-based rehabilitation program. These include impaired physical fitne...