Offers Physical Therapy CE courses priced at around $10 per CEU. Institute for Athlete Regeneration Offers Post Graduate Physical Therapy Seminars, Certifications, Residency, and also Fellowship programs. Institute for Natural Resources INR (Institute for Natural Resources) is a nonprofit, scientifi...
Amanda Bastien is a graduate student at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, currently completing her Doctorate of Physical Therapy degree, graduating in May 2018. Amanda has a strong interest in pelvic health, orthopedics, neuroscience and providing quality information and care to her patients. Reference...
Husband and father to 5 kids, Christian graduated from high school in Redding in 2005. He went on to graduate with his doctorate in physical therapy from Loma Linda University in 2011. He has served the Redding area for the last 11 years in outpatient orthopaedics and home health settings. ...
However, for physical therapy, telehealth doesn’t do the job. But there is still a preferable alternative to the traditional in-clinic physical therapy model: at-home rehabilitation.Patient convenienceAnyone who has ever been prescribed an extended regimen of physical therapy in a clinic has ...
American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Bio Kallie completed both her bachelor’s degree (2017) and Doctorate (2020) at Quinnipiac University. While in Graduate school Kallie was a treating SPT as well as the Fundraising/Marketing chair in a student ran Pro-Bono clinic called EQUIP rehab. ...
We thank the physical therapy staff of the University Hospital for technical support and postgraduate students in respiratory physiotherapy. Author information Authors and Affiliations University Hospital, University of São Paulo, Rua Trajano Reis 777 apto 34 C1, São Paulo, SP, CEP 05541030, Braz...
the Trustees, August 8th, 1861, Edward Hitchcock, M.D., a graduate of the College and of the Medical School of Harvard University … was appointed professor [of hygiene and physical education] in this department [of physical culture]. And in his first report to the Trustees, Dr. Hitchcock...
The study protocol (carried out in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki) and the consent form associated with it have been approved by the Ethics Committee of the Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine (Application number 2018-1-273, final approval September 20th, 2018). Each part...
NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 117456, Singapore Kenry, Joo Chuan Yeo & Chwee Teck Lim Centre for Advanced 2D Materials and Graphene Research Centre, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 117543, Singapore Kenry & Chwee...
therapy was then delivered through the microfluidic-based chemotrode, while electrical stimulation was concurrently transmitted. Remarkably, through the simultaneous and colocalized electrochemical stimulations, the paralyzed rats were eventually able to walk (Figure 8b(iv)). The e-dura clearly facilitated...