The physical therapy, exercise program, support, and advice from Ivan along with sessions of laser therapy from Tasha all contributed to such a huge change and improvement for me. Long after therapy has ended I continue to use the exercise program Ivan devised for me. I visit periodically with...
Hand and Orthopedic Physical Therapy Specialists specialize in the treatment of a variety of conditions that inhibits the normal functionality and mobility of a person's daily activity. Hand and Orthopedic specialize in the treatment of hand and upper ex
I dislocated my shoulder and and surgery. My PT challenged me and with his encouragement and physical therapy, now I’m back on the river doing what I love. Dean Macinnis From a locked up knee to climbing Bear Creek Spire in two months, my PT was great at showing me the right exerc...
Best in Class Physical Therapy services in the Northern Virginia area. We are a private, Physical Therapist owned clinic.
Virtual PT Doc is the premier virtual physical therapy service hosting a wide-range of board-certified physical therapists. Learn more today.