Searching for physical or sports therapy in the Chicagoland area. Choose one of our IMPACT Physical Therapy & Sports Recovery locations today
Benefits of Physical Therapy for Dishoulders Reviewed and contributions made by Dallas Reynolds PT, DPT, Cert. DN, COMT While shoulder dislocations are commonly known, they remain […] Learn More Celebrating Physical Therapy Month Every October, ATI recognizes and celebrates Physical Therapy Month...
Dynamic Physical Therapy and Sports Conditioning (Dynamic PTSC) is located in Topsham, Maine. We offer physical therapy, personal training, yoga, and nutrition counseling.
i'move physical therapy; sports performance, personal training; adult fitness classes; nutritional counseling; worksite, concussion, women's health programs
Relieve pain, recover from injuries, and enhance your health at a BenchMark outpatient physical therapy clinic near you. Schedule an appointment today.
HealthWest Physical Therapy Is Proudly Serving These Communities Vista Carlsbad Escondido Encinitas North County HOW WE TREAT Balance and Fall Prevention Cervical Traction Concussion Management Electrical Stimulation Therapy Joint Mobilization Kinesio Taping ...
I have been to several different PT places over a 15-20 year period for various foot problems so I have many points of comparison. Chris has been great! He’s a good listener and very skilled at diagnosing the issues and coming up with a tailored therapy plan. He takes a holistic appro...
Relieve pain, recover from injuries, and enhance your health at a BenchMark outpatient physical therapy clinic near you. Schedule an appointment today.
Relieve pain, recover from injuries, and enhance your health at a BenchMark outpatient physical therapy clinic near you. Schedule an appointment today.
Directory of 100's of Physical Therapy Seminars and CE Providers offering 1000’s of Courses for Physical Therapists and Assistants.