Athletico Physical Therapy has a number of physical therapy career and job opportunities. Check out the many reasons we're a top rated workplace and apply now!
VIEW CAREER OPPORTUNITIES join our company. about our company. Challenging limits to transform lives Professional Physical Therapy is comprised of a passionate team of people-centric individuals, committed to serving others with solutions to deliver world-class care. In business for more than 20 years...
Career Advancement: Showcase your research, gain recognition in your field, and explore new career opportunities through interactions with leading professionals and organizations. Innovative Solutions: Discover new products, technologies, and services that can enhance your practice and improve patient outcomes...
Employment opportunities in the physical therapy field are growing and at a faster ratethan that of many other occupations. However, given the large pool of qualified applicants forphysical therapy aide positions, persons pursuing this career may have greater competitionfor the jobs available. Forecaste...
Physical Therapy clinic located on the Upper West SIde in NYC. We specialize in the rehabilitation of orthopaedic and dance related injuries.
Directory of 100's of Physical Therapy Seminars and CE Providers offering 1000’s of Courses for Physical Therapists and Assistants.
Therapy Partner SolutionsTM is the parent organization of a portfolio of operations, finance, staffing, compliance and billing companies.
Bay State Physical Therapy (BSPT) is a great company with a lot of room for growth. Whether you want to remain a staff PT or manage and own your own office, you are valued either way. There are many opportunities for continuing education in a variety of different subjects. Although it...
Opportunities for professional advancement Flexible Schedules COMPREHENSIVE NETWORK®AFFILIATIONS Comprehensive Network®, Inc. is approved by the following organizations as a sponsor of continuing education activities for CEUs or contact hours: American Psychological Association for Psychologists, Registry of ...
While physical therapists require four years of formal education, most physical therapy aide programs only last for two years. Career Advancement In addition, there is work and licensing that can allow a person to transition into a full physical therapist over time, which means that starting as ...